A new version of the RetailForce Fiskal middleware has been released. Version 1.8.8. is available for download.
The new version contains an extensive extension of the RetailForce Document Object Model (DOM) in preparation for the implementation of the fiscalisation requirements of Québec / Canada (WEB-SRM), as well as functional enhancements for Italy and the connection to WARRIFY.
Current DOM version: 1.5.0
In future, changes to the DOM will no longer be published in individual articles, but will be clearly summarised in the following solution article: “Document model – changes“.
Québec / Canada
The connection to the WEB-SRM in Québec can be prepared and tested with this version. Further functions will be added in the coming releases until the planned completion in version 1.9.0.
If you have any questions about implementing Québec, we look forward to hearing from you!
The functional expansion for Italy includes the connection to the instant lottery (“Lotteria Istantanea”) and the deferred lottery (“Lotteria Differita”). Furthermore, the sale of VAT-exempt items via the so-called Natura-codes (“Codifiche Natura”) is now supported, the correct processing of 100% discount sales and the addition of additional textual and graphic elements on the receipt (footer Grafico, headers and footers, additional QR and barcodes, etc.).
Cloud fiscalisation
Since release 1.8.4, we have been providing our fiscalisation middleware as an online service hosted by us (“Cloud Fiscalisation Service”). The service is primarily intended for web-based cash register systems. With version 1.8.8 the countries
- Denmark and
- Austria
are available. The current version also includes a beta for
- Germany and
- noFiscalisation (for countries without fiscalisation, but for using other RetailForce services).
The implementation variants
- connection to the local REST API (Windows service or Docker container) and
- connection to cloud fiscalisation
are generally identical. However, there are a few special features of cloud fiscalisation that need to be considered. Details can be found in the article “Implementing ‘Cloud Fiscalisation Service’“.
All changes and additions contained in version 1.8.8 can be found in the release notes.