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Release 1.8.8 available

A new version of the RetailForce Fiskal middleware has been released. Version 1.8.8. is available for download. The new version contains an extensive extension of

New version 1.8.6 available

The latest version of RetailForce Fiscal Middleware 1.8.6 is available for download. In addition to some improvements to the country versions Poland, Romania and Denmark,

New version 1.8.5

The latest version 1.8.5 of the RetailForce Fiskal middleware has been available for download since last weekend. Overview of changes and extensions All enhancements, changes

Release 1.8.4 published

At the beginning of April, we will publish our latest release: version 1.8.4. New features Overview of changes and extensions In addition to the new

Release 1.8.3 published

The latest release of the RetailForce Fiskal middleware, version 1.8.3, and the cloud system provide a number of new features. New features Overview of changes